Sunday, July 21, 2013

All set and ready to go!

Can't remember how many weekends it has been, but I once told my friend: If my sewing machine was a guy, we'd have gotten married long time ago and have many many kids now. Breeding like rabbits. Yep.

It all started with a dream - to sell my own stuff at one of those handmade markets. Not virtually, not via the internet or selling of that sort, but actually selling them in person. I'd like to see how people respond to my creations and to be able to actually exchange them for cash - that must be like one of the greatest sense of accomplishment ever.

Then the opportunity came.

A Facebook friend who is actually a very well-known handmade artist suggested me to this event - Y'ao Market 垚摆市场 - a one-day market for handmade artists. Didn't know if I was eligible to secure a booth, after all, I was a noob who didn't even have her own brand, let alone enough creations to show, but I applied for it anyway, and surprisingly got it. *beams*

And so it all began. Endless weekends of sewing, sewing and sewing (I can't remember how many weekend activities I've turned down because I had to stay at home to sew. I think my friends have all blacklisted me). Had to come up with a brand (well, can't be selling stuff without a brand right?), so a brand was born. Then one thing led to another: can't be having a brand but no way for people to find or contact you, right? Hence this blog was born.

Let's hope I've got everything covered now. And that I will have the perseverance to maintain this place, and to keep sewing! :p

The initial aim was to produce 30 things to sell, but in the end, this is all I've got:

17 pathetic pouches and bags. Haha.

I've got many ideas still, but there's simply NO TIME to make them happen. There's only so much one can do! Or maybe it's just me being slow T_____T Either way, I'll just have to leave them for the next time.

Made some paper bags and name "sticks" for the event. (Thanks to Phui San for the brilliant idea of using ice-cream sticks as name "cards" =) Pardon my horrible handwriting.

Brown, sewn paper bags. I'm in love with them!

Why "sew" paper bags you ask? Because glueing takes 5 minutes while sewing takes 5 seconds. Also because glue is messy and you have to wait for the longest time ever for it to dry. But mainly, it's because I love the idea of sewing paper together and I adore brown paper bags, so there you have it.

I think I'm all set to go. Oh no, wait, I don't have enough paper bags, I have no price tags, I have no idea how to decorate my booth... Oh man, seems like there is more to do.

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