Saturday, June 29, 2013

A big fat HELLO

It's been 3 years since I started sewing, now that I've created my own brand, I figured it's about time I started my own blog, my own sewing blog that is. And what better day than to start it on my birthday! Yep, today's my birthday, woot woot.

So... who's Jo and who's Na anyway?

They're both me really. Jo AND Na. JoANna. Get it? Haha.

Why the name... Let's see, how should I put it... Most artists have a clear direction to their design styles, distinctive styles, but for me, I have two. One part of me likes real feminine and girly stuff, like laces, flowers, ribbons; Another side of me likes quirky and kiddy stuff, like super bright colours, weird but cute monsters, kid's doodles etc. I guess it's a reflection of my personality, like how one side of me likes spending time alone, but another side of me hates when it gets too quiet. 

So yep, that was how the name Jo & Na was born. Jo & Na. Joanna. Two personalities. One person. *grins*

To those who don't know me, here are some random facts about myself:

I'm not 30 yet, though almost there. Single (and available). I don't sew for a living. I have a full time office job. I love sewing, and cooking (but not a housewife, mind you!). Gordon Ramsay is my idol. I jog, swim and sometimes go rock climbing to stay fit. I'm more an introvert than an extrovert. Not a morning person, definitely (run when you see me in the morning). I write in Chinese and English, depending on my mood. I have mood swings. I think my favourite colour is turquoise, but I can't be sure. 

Guess that's about it. At least for now.

I actually prefer writing in Chinese, but oh well, I thought it would be more polite to start off with a universal language everybody understands, so here it is, a great big HELLO from me, in English =)

There will be times when I'll be posting in Chinese only, sorry to those who don't read the language, life is too short for blog translating!  

I'll be babbling here from time to time, if not posting my new babies. Till then, take care!

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